Does it seem like the world is turning upside down to anyone but me?
I rarely listen to the national news. It only pulls me down to a place I prefer not to go. A place of sadness and turmoil. I'm aware of the fact that to some this may seem like I'm hiding from the truth or I'm pretending it doesn't exist. I am well aware of the truth; and that's the problem. I live with it. Every day my heart brakes a little more. Every night I'll continually wake up throughout the night, burdened and unable to shake the thoughts out of my head so I can fall back asleep. I find relief only when I pray and seek God...
My grief is not with the fact that our world is changing, but rather with the lives it is affecting. How it is impacting people as well as the potential damage yet to be seen.
My heart aches because people I love and care about have been disillusioned and deceived. And the deception runs deep... it is even in [so called] Christian Churches. The twisting of Scripture to be all inclusive is deceptive and a betrayal to Christ.
It amazes me how when it comes to ones religiosity (or ones apathy towards it) how so many will seek answers from others, rarely taking any time to investigate what the Bible actually says. And if they do, it is superficial, locating a verse or two that helps prove their cause or belief or behavior.
Another concern that baffles me is when I hear people tell what they "think" the Bible means... but what they "think" has no Biblical foundation. Perhaps they rationalize, wanting to think that a loving God would never judge a person to eternal condemnation, falsely believing that by allowing people to go to hell is an unloving act on God’s part. Not realizing that God has given human beings freedom to participate in their life choices and eternal destinations.
They fail to realize that although we may be able to do good, God "is good". Though we are able to love, He "is love".
They also falsely believe that if anyone goes to hell, it is the result of God’s one-sided
action, and the person being sent to hell is a passive victim. This
idea completely disregards the personal responsibility God has entrusted
to each of us. Not to mention that in all actuality God does not "send" one to hell. Each person has made their choice in their own eternal destiny.
They may believe that God is love... yet easily forget that God is also justice. We have the ability to administer justice, but God "is justice".
God gave us the freedom to choose how we respond to Him. If He forced us to love Him, we would be robots. To give us no option but obedience would be a violation of our free will. Love is only love when it is voluntary. We cannot love God unless we have the option of not loving Him. Because God honors our liberty of choice. He will never force us. But, there are consequences for either choice (good or bad).
And therein lies my pain. Watching people I care deeply for choosing their own way. Making excuses, justifying their behavior, with little regard to truth, refusing to believe in a singular truth.
To claim something as “true” is to imply that something is false. And this always gets personal sooner or later.
If you’re right, then someone, somewhere is wrong.
For some people, this basically means that in the end, truth doesn’t really matter. They [falsely] think- what does it matter whether we can or can’t know what’s really in the great beyond? As long as you do what makes you happy. If believing that something is true helps one to
live a nice life, then there’s no harm in believing it... provided
you don’t try to make anyone else believe it, too.
I realize it all boils down to basically one thing... CHOICE. And although I love and care about them, they are free to make their own choices... For good or bad. For right or wrong. To love God or to spurn God. To embrace God or reject God....
Thus my heart brakes...
"God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4