Thursday, May 5, 2016

People are crazy!

It amazes me how society [as a whole] has become so completely selfish and self-absorbed. 

Looking back through the past years I have tried to examine what caused an entire generation of people to be so pompous and narcissistic that most have lost the ability to show any empathy toward another person that may have an opposing view from themselves. The only sensitivity that they extend is to themselves and of course those who are like-minded. 

I’ll give you two examples:
The other day on I was on Facebook and watched a short [1 minute] video posted by a group that was supporting police officers. It was of a man that ran up to a police vehicle (most likely a Humvee type police vehicle) and he kicked it 2 or 3 times and then walked about 30 feet away back to the side walk. He caused no damage and had no weapon of any kind nor did he swear, or threaten or continue doing any antisocial behavior. Now before I continue, I am not advocating that this is OK; nor do I think he should not be held accountable for his actions because I do.

But it was what happened next… This police vehicle sprayed him with a water canon that caused him to be lifted up into the air a few feet and thrown back with such force it killed him!  I was shocked that the caption said, “IT’S NOT LIKE HE DIDN’T ASK FOR IT” 
The worse part were the comments people were leaving endorsing this action by the police and celebrating that one less dumb @#* was in the world. With hundreds of likes! 
When I commented that this seemed excessive and would no longer be following the group if they believed this was justified; people who didn’t know me from Adam started calling me names that would make a sailor blush, as well as assumptions made about my political leaning and beliefs or lack of such.(and, no Facebook doesn’t seem to have a problem with foul and corrupt language). 

The point I want to make is that not one person saw the danger in condoning this action. Not one person questioned how the police felt in any way threatened by this man. He was kicking an armored vehicle not threatening to kill them at the point of a gun or a bomb. Nor was he threatening anyone else. He had walked away after he had his hissy fit, yet they retaliated (which is the operative word here!) They wanted to wreak vengeance not provide justice!Anyone else see the potential danger here?

The next subject I want to discuss is a headline I saw on a news site recently. 
He claims he is concerned about the Atlanta-based restaurant’s history of supporting Christian organizations that oppose same-sex marriage. And goes on to state, “It is outrageous that Chick-fil-A is quietly spreading its message of hate...” 
Well if this isn’t the most obvious example of a self-absorbed, pompous and tyrannical politician! Maybe he hasn't heard about the Supreme Courts ruling.

I will be presumptuous and assume that his momma forgot to teach him that people with different opinions from your own is not an indication that they hate you.  
 Hate is a verb, a verb is an action word, (if you still don’t understand go look it up!). 

Selling chicken sandwiches to anyone and everyone regardless of ones beliefs, color, or sexual orientation, cannot be considered a message of hate! The owner should be allowed to have his or her own convictions about gay marriage without a politician calling for the business to close! 

Has anyone else noticed how mean spirited everyone is now? People honestly believe that if we cannot agree on  issues that are important to us then we must be enemies. 

Today's logic: If you think my view is wrong, you have offended me, my feelings are hurt; and since my feelings are hurt this has caused me injury so I will bring a civil action against you and try to destroy you, your reputation, and even your ability to do business. 

A thought to leave with you: What does it take to change the very essence of ignorance?
Answer is: Jesus Christ
Why is it easier for some to hate or belittle than to love and encourage? 
Answer: Because of hardened hearts by sin’s deceitfulness.

Well I think I should end this for now... next time maybe we'll discuss microaggression... maybe this will help explain the problem.

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